Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor



Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor
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Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor



£40.00 £35.00 save £5
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Save up to £16.45 with Cycle2work
  • Security : 9/10
  • Sold Secure Rating : Gold

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Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor
Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor
£40.00 £35.00 save £5
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Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor

  • Gold Sold Secure
  • Weather resistant shackle
  • 4 masonry screws and metal plugs included
  • 9/10 security rating when used with a similar or higher rated lock

The Halfords Advanced Ground Anchor is perfect for keeping your bike secure whilst at home. This anchor acts as a fixed object for you to secure your bike to with the use of a chain or D lock. This anchor features a large, weather treated shackle, as well as 4 masonry screws and metal plugs. The shackle ring folds flat too when not in use to help prevent trip hazards.  Home security is just as important as security whilst on the go, and this anchor has been designed for just that.

This anchor has been awarded Gold Sold Secure, so when combined with a Gold Sold Secure lock you'll be covered with your insurance company whilst at home *Please check you cycle insurance policies for full terms and conditions